Monday, July 21, 2008

Twentynine Palms or Bust!

So it's happened...I don't know how...I don't know when...but it has happened. Three years have nearly come and gone! Charlie is quickly approaching the end of his recruiting days, and while we knew the end was coming we had no idea that his days were literally numbered. He officially checks out of recruiting on Aug 29 and into 7th Marines based in...wait for it...Twentynine Palms, CA on Sept 28th. Yes that's right. We are headed back to the sand box, or at least that is the plan. So many things are still up in the air right now. The General has yet to sign off on his admin. sep package saying that she agrees with the board and we can stay in. In fact, word is she sent it back to the JAG but no one can tell us why. I have secret hopes that she has decided Charlie shouldn't be in the Marines anymore and is just going to give him an Honorable Discharge. We never had plans of staying here. We were thrilled when we got orders to Provo, but always knew we would be leaving. I had no idea that these last few years would change me so much. I have a home, I have family and friends, I have a great job...let's face it...I have a bubble! I love my bubble...I don't want to leave my bubble. So for now in the secret places of my heart I pray to Heavenly Father that we get to stay. But I am not naive enough to believe that I am at all in control. I gave my life and path to Him long ago. If we are supposed to be in Twentynine Palms then I will go. Besides, it isn't that bad once you get past the meth heads, the insane heat and the suicidal devil possessed jack rabbits.

(If you haven't heard the jack rabbit story let me is a good one.) I shouldn't be so down in the dumps. Kai and I won't be leaving for a while. The house isn't ready to be put on the market and Charlie just informed me that they should be deploying again soon...Yeah! Oh, you can't hear it but that was sarcasm!

"So," you may be asking yourself, "how does Charlie feel about this? Is he sad to leave?" Well I just let him read this post and he turned around and looked and me and he was very perturbed. Apparently he thinks this is GREAT news..."it has been" as he informs me, "three years since he has killed anyone!"

Oh how lucky am I!


Miranda said...

HAHA Let us not forget the sand storms and stinch of Lake Bandini or the 30 minute drive to Wal Mart. Oh the memories : ) And your husband sounds just like mine only we have a year and a half left here. Maybe one day we will finally be together again. Until then we will have to blog ourselves to death and leave comments to pass the time.

Anonymous said...

DON'T GO!!!!! It sucks that you are leaving...are you sure it's not a joke?

Good thing we have blogging...see? Aren't you glad I sucked you in? Oh, and we are MOST definitely going to Park City...I declare that we all need a girls over-nighter!

Denae said...

Just thinking about this makes me want to cry. I am secretly hoping that he gets deployed soon and you can stay here while he is gone. Or that he does get discharged and you have to stay.

We will like Maureen said always have blogging. And we are definately going to have to live up these last weeks and yes Park City GNON (girls night over nighter) is at the top of the list.