Monday, July 21, 2008

Where Pee Pee Go?

A few months ago my mom was watching Kai and my baby niece Brynlee. My mom was changing Bryn's diaper when Kai wandered over. He looked at my mom quizzically and asked "Where pee pee go?" I had to explain that Bryn is a girl...different anatomy.

I tell you this story so that I can tell you about what happened on Saturday. My family was at a family reunion in Logan at a park. Things were winding down, many people had left and my mom and brothers and sister in law were sitting in the shade talking. Charlie had long ago fallen asleep near by. So as we are talking I look at my mom and she has this disturbed/bemused look on her face...I turn to see what she is looking at and notice that Charlie is laying on his back sound asleep and he has BOTH hands down his pants! I smacked his foot and started laughing hysterically...I said "Are you afraid it is going to wander off? Like one morning you are just going to wake up and it will be gone?"

My mom then pipes in with..."And Kai Kai will say, 'Where pee pee go?'"

He was embarrassed enough that my whole family had seen...I told him it would only get worse when I blogged it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...have a counter story about my ex. Perhaps I shouldn't tell you.....:)