Another round of the 11 day diet has come to a close and though my clothes are fitting looser I still wouldn't feel completely satisfied until I see those numbers drop on the scale. So, it was with a light and slightly anxious heart that I stopped at the gym on the way home for my weigh in. I walked in and....gasp! They changed the scale! What?! But the old one was this one the same? Oh the frustration. OK so I take off my shoes (they were heavy high heels) and step gingerly onto the new scale...down 3 lbs! Ok not exactly the ground breaking results I had hoped for. Now I am miffed at the gym and the new EVIL scale.
I drive home angry at whoever changed the scale. In my head I am concocting situations in which a very fat person stood on the scale and broke it and that is why the gym would do something like change the scale on me. Hmm I think, I have a scale at home. Now that I don't trust the gym anymore maybe I should start using that scale. It would be more convinient. OK so I am home now and I go upstairs. I set my home scale on the ground and step onto it again...silently praying that this is an angel scale and wasn't sent by the devil like the one at the gym! 11 lbs! Yes! That is better...wait....the euphoria is ending....confusion is setting in...8 lbs difference? Hmm which scale to believe? I am not sure but I am going to start using the home scale from now on (you know 'cause it was nice and said I weighed less just like a good friend should do).
So this update on the Battle of the Bulge is a toss up: if you are a pesimist you may side with the evil gym scale and believe I only lost 3 lbs. If you are an optimist and want to live to see tomorrow you will side with me and the home scale and report a record weight loss of 11 lbs! In any case, I am starting again on Monday so on the 31st I hopefully will have a more exact update.
Hello There.
9 years ago
FOR SURE! I would just add the 2 loses together for your anguish! LOL! Way to go!
You have been SO diligent....I can relate to the disappiontment of not loosing as much as you had expected...but regardless, you still LOST. THREE CHEERS FOR YOU!!!
I found that the longer you do the diet...the more your body adjusts. My suggestion is to wait longer than 3 days in between 11 day stretches. It will allow your body to "reset" itself more...and thereby be more affected by the diet. (does that make sense??) are still a hero in my book! I know how difficult it is to stick with it...and you have been AMAZING!!
Congrats on more weight loss!! You are doing so well! I'm officially on day 4 of the diet...let me tell can be rough some days! Like when my hubby eats something really yummy in front of me :( I'm making it though! I hope I have even half the success you have been having with it!
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