Friday, September 5, 2008

Chuck E Cheese

Last night I asked Malakai what we should do for the night. I had been lazy all day and we both needed to get out of the house. I gave him several options: park, movie, mama's house. He looked at me and said, "No momma! Girl's house!" I am sure later in life when he says that I will probably freak out. But, for now I know that he means Laira and Bailey, Denae's girls. Ok, lets go play with the girls...but not at their house! I have heard enough horror stories about Denae's mom that I don't need to meet her in person! So how about Chuck E Cheese?! After all, there is no better place for a kid to be a kid or for a mom to be a kid!

Denae I really think you should look at the height limit again! (She told me she would kill me if I put this picture on here but, I am not scared of her! Bring it on!)

This silly clock ride was Malakai's favorite ride. I think he rode on it like 6 times...

Or whenever Bailey wasn't on it! He and Bailey had it pretty monopolized for a good part of the night.

I am not sure if these two have taken hunters safety yet. I am pretty sure that over the shoulder is not how you are supposed to shoot a shotgun but Laira sure didn't care.

Where is a stepping stool when you really need one? He kept making this game go "VROOOOOM VROOOOOM!" I am not sure whether he thought it was a motorcycle or just wanted it to sound fast but he enjoyed it!

Ok yes, I am aware that pizza is not exactly diet friendly! We did have salad thanks to the girls...those two are frickin' rabbitts! I have never seen a 6 and 4 year old pass up pizza for salad before.

This was my favorite ride! I am pretty sure that if I had a vaccuum that strapped to my back I would never have a problem getting Kai Kai to do chores. I also liked that it was being held together with duct tape! Who knew Chuck E Cheese was a typical man?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the last pic...who the heck is that?? I'm glad you guys had fun. We should have done this FRIDAY night....the little boys took a late nap and we were wandering around wondering what to do. (ended up at the park).

Oh well -- pass me a salad please! LOL!