Thursday, September 25, 2008

We Made It!

Well, after several long hours in the van we finally made it to HOT sunny Phoenix! We left on Monday night about know right on schedule according the the standard Bingham clock that I have built in that makes us leave for any major event 3 hours late. I also had the Holiday Scheduling meeting at work to thank for putting us behind schedule. Oh well, atleast I am positive I am not working Thanksgiving or Christmas (Interesting note: I just got my schedule for the holidays and YES, I AM working Christmas! I am not quite sure why I even bothered going to the meeting). We drove as far as St. George and stopped for the night in the nicest Motel 6 I have ever seen. I swear the bed was almost as comfortable as my own at home! The next morning we woke up late, we figured it would be the last time we got to sleep in on the trip, Trevor has a built in alarm clock for 6:30 am! Kai wanted waffles and convineintly there was a Denny's right down the hill.

Of course, his favorite part of the whole meal was the whipped cream. Who needs utensils?!

We also stopped at the top of the Hoover Dam.

I had never been there and it had been many many years since my mom was there.

It was really pretty amazing! I am always awed when I think that as human being we are capable of building such things. The most amazing part though, is the new freeway bridge that they are building across the river. You can see it a little if you look to the left of the telescope in the picture below.
Kai thought the most amazing part was the telescope!

I think the whole trip took us about 10 hours. I am always reminded of how much I LOVE my van, even if it isn't cool, when we take long trips. We had plenty of room for luggage, a stroller, Kai's Vroom Vroom (he insisted it had to come) and anything else I could think of. I was also glad that I took the time Monday afternoon to go get the DVD player replaced! Kai watched Scooby Doo about 13 times and not once did the new player make that annoying clackity clack noise. Although, around the 7th time I started making some interesting noises! Seriously, Daphne is that annoying!

The kids were glad to see us. We were thrilled to see them.
The twins have gotten so big. Seems so strange to think they are going to be 1 year old this month!
Penner is such a sweetie! He was my cuddle bug. I would worry that we had spoiled him but Chrystina assured us that she spends most her day holding him too. He just wants to be with ya.
Gabby on the other hand, was very happy playing with Kai Kai. Honestly, would you turn down free digger rides? Well, maybe you would if the driver wasn't wearing pants!

Kai just loved helping grandma make brownies. I liked helping eat them!

Their new house is beautiful. We especially enjoyed the swimming pool. It helped us keep cool on those 100+ degree days.

Gabby likes her purple hippo once she warms up to it. She takes a little more convincing to get in the pool than Penner does. That boy is a fish just like his older brother!

One wouldn't think that you wouldn't have to worry about traffic jams in a swimming pool but with Kai behimd the wheel anything is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have made that trip so many times I can't remember the number...though I admit I've only done it twice with kids -- and once on my own (with Mariah). You are THE woman!