Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lower the Legal Driving Age?

Step 1: Adjust seat for maximum comfort and viewing.

Step 2: Secure the seatbelt.

Step 3: Hands at 10 and 2 (If you can reach otherwise just hold on!)

Step 4: Curse the fact that you are 34" tall and can't reach the pedals!!!

This is my son. You know the one that loves anything with wheels and a motor. Well, he is a very fast learner. On Sunday we were at my brother's house having dinner. Afterwards, Grandma, Aunt Lisa and I were going to go for a drive to put Kai Kai to sleep only he beat me to the driver's side. This is pretty normal. He likes to pretend to drive so I let him only this time it was a little different. Before he got in he adjusted the seat, moving it as close to the steering wheel as possible. He then climbed in, put the keys in the ignition, turned my van on, put his seat belt on, looked at me (sitting in the passenger seat with the door open) and said, "Close door, please!" Then he reached up to the shifter and started pulling down. It was at this point that I said Whoa! No! No! I guess that ends the days of me leaving keys in the van or lying around. If in 4 years you read about a 6 year old and his 4 year old cousin that took a van for a joy ride, that will be Malakai and Brynlee! Yeah, I am so screwed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kai is too smart for his own good!! Harrison has been climbing in front too and telling me the HE is going to drive (yikes). Mostly he wants to start the car like his older sibs get to....but I've saved that priviledge for when you know NOT to shift gears. LOL!